What's the best type of wood for furniture?


All Carolina Dog Crate Co. premium collections are handcrafted in Hard Maple and all Legacy Collection furniture is constructed using Hard Slash Pine.
What Is So Cool About Hard Maple?

Maple is a creamy white hardwood. One of the hardest wood species, maple is often chosen for high end furniture & heavy-use items, like butcher blocks, wood gymnasium floors and kitchen cabinets.
The things we love about maple...
- Ultra-durable
- It can take a beating and look great for years!
Stains & paints extremely well.
Eco-Friendly, abundant, and easily sourced locally.
Woodworkers have be designing and crafting furniture throughout time and have used just about everything under the sun to make it. You name it, someone has used it to make furniture. One thing is for sure, some materials have proven to be better choices than others for specific applications. Custom dog crate furniture is no exception."With several years under our belt of building custom dog crate furniture, we can clearly see that our hardwoods hold up so much better over time."
Lifetime Value & Performance
The materials used in our designs have been carefully curated to bring you the best lifetime value and performance of your new custom furniture. You want to be sure your are makinig a wise investment. Based on several years of client feedback, these materials have proven to withstand the rigors of daily use for pets. You can go forward with confidence knowing your investment is a wise one.
Experience Matters
When selecting a your furniture builder, experience matters. Founded in 2016, our years of building custom handcrafted furniture gives you the benefit of our experience in working with a wide variety of wood species. Through this experience we have found Hard Maple and Southern Yellow Pine to give you the best performance and value.
We are talking about dogs living in a piece of furniture
So we're wondering why on earth would anyone consider making such a big purchase just because it's a few bucks cheaper? Really? Why? You work way too hard for your money to spend it on disposable furniture.
The Best Value For Your Money
Did you know...

Carolina Dog Crate Co. partners with OneTreePlanted.org